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Lua, pasted on Jan 3:
-- I make this to literally show people that this was an exploit.
-- prices are in copper
cost_ore = 85
cost_ecto = 2500
cost_flake = 2800
cost_salvage = 60
sell_ecto = 2200
gold = 0
flakes = 0
ectos = 0

salvages = 1000  -- amount of salvages you wanna do
for x = 1, salvages do
gold = gold - (cost_ore * 7) -- your gonna buy max 7 ore per salvages
gold = gold - cost_salvage -- costs money to buy kits
if math.random(1,5) == 1 then gold = gold - cost_flake flakes = flakes + 1 end -- you have a 20% chance to buy another snowflake
if math.random(1,10) ~= 1 then ectos = ectos + 1 end -- you have a 90% chance to get an ecto (as in the large scale master kits will yield .9 ectos per rare)
print ("Had to purchase " .. flakes .. " extra snowflakes")
print (ectos .. " ectos salvaged.")
gold = gold + (ectos * sell_ecto) -- sell your ectos for 12s each
print (gold / 10000 .. "g profit.")

Had to purchase 219 extra snowflakes
912 ectos salvaged.
73.82g profit.

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