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benjic - C++, pasted on Mar 4:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int stones;

void turn();
void i_take( int i_took );

int main( int argc, char **argv ) 

	cout << "Numo is a game in which one player chooses a finite amount"
	<< "stones to place in a pile. The second player then chooses who will"
	<< " go first in removing 1, 2, or 3 stones from the pile. If a users "
	<< "turn begins with only one stone in the pile the loose not only the"
	<< "the game but at life as well." << endl << endl << endl;

	cout << "Please submit the amount of stones to be added to the pile..."
	<< endl;

	cin >> stones;

	if ( ( stones - 5 ) % 4 != 0 )
		i_take( ( stones - 5 ) % 4 );
	while ( stones > 1 )

	cout << "I am so sorry for your loss. It is your turn and you have only one stone." << endl;

void turn( )

	int you_took;

	cout << "It is your turn. How many stones would you like to remove?"
	<< endl;

	cin >> you_took;
	if ( you_took < 0 || you_took > 3 )
		cout << "You can only remove 1, 2, or 3 stones" << endl; 

	stones -= you_took;

	cout << "You removed " << you_took << " stones. " << stones << " remain." << endl << endl << endl;

	i_take( 4 - you_took );

void i_take( int i_took )
	stones -= i_took;
	cout << "I removed " << i_took << " stones. " << stones << " remain." << endl << endl << endl;

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