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C++, pasted on Sep 21:
#ifndef _VrptwAlgorithm_h_
#define _VrptwAlgorithm_h_

#include "VrptwAlgorithmUtil.h"
#include "LogAlgorithm.h"

class LogVRPResult;
class LogVRPData;

extern "C" VRPTWEXPORT LogAlgorithm * VrptwAlgorithmFactory();

class VRPTWEXPORT VrptwAlgorithm : public LogAlgorithm
	int maxNbNodes;	// Maximum number of Nodes 
	int maxNbVehicles; // Maximum number of Vehicles 

	typedef struct{
		int *str;//[NODE_MAX+VEHICLE_MAX]/*ストリングモデル(両端のデポは含まず) 07/12/10*/
	} ANS;

	int DemandNo;						/*デマンド数*/
	int *DemandQ; //[NODE_MAX];				/*デマンド量 07/12/10*/
	int *initialTime; //[NODE_MAX];				/*時間枠の開始時刻 08/02/13*/
	int *durationTime; //[NODE_MAX];				/*時間枠の終了時刻 08/02/13*/
	int *serviceTime; //[NODE_MAX];			/*サービスにかかる時間 08/02/13*/
	double **CostMx;//[NODE_MAX][NODE_MAX];		/*コスト行列(通過時の) 07/12/10*/
	int StrLength;						/*ストリングモデル長*/
	int **EachV_Route;//[NODE_MAX][VEHICLE_MAX];			/*081019修正*/
	bool executionError;
	QString message;


#include "GKFleetVehicle.h"
#include "GKClient.h"

#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

void VrptwAlgorithm::setData( LogVRPData* data )
	//allocating demand memory
	DemandQ = (int*)calloc( DemandNo+1, sizeof(int) );
	//setting up DemandQ values
	QMap< uint, GKLogVertex* >::const_iterator iter, iterEnd;	
	iterEnd = data->getVertexs().end();
	for( iter = data->getVertexs().begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter ){
		//trying to convert a GKLogVertex into a GKClient
		GKClient * client = dynamic_cast<GKClient*>( iter.value() );
		if( client != NULL ){//the vertex is a client
			DemandQ[iter.key()] = data->getClientProperty( client ).getDemand();
		}else{//the vertex is a depot
			DemandQ[iter.key()] = 0;

Line 31: error: VrptwAlgorithmUtil.h: No such file or directory
Line 25: error: LogAlgorithm.h: No such file or directory
Line 27: error: GKFleetVehicle.h: No such file or directory
Line 21: error: GKClient.h: No such file or directory
Line 11: error: 'VRPTWEXPORT' does not name a type
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.

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