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hurracane - C, pasted on Dec 16:
	dist = 250 + randomInt(750);
	if(self.rank_power == "stronger powers 15")
		dist = dist + (int)((dist / 100) * 15);
	else if(self.rank_power == "stronger powers 30" || self.rank_power == "fall damage reduced" || self.rank_power == "bleed to death" || self.rank_power == "spawn with power")
		dist = dist + (int)((dist / 100) * 30);
	self iprintlnbold("^2Pushed away seekers within ^7" + dist + " ^2units.");
	if(dist <= 500)
		playfx(level._fx_rpl_s, self.origin);
	else if(dist > 500)
		playfx(level._fx_rpl_l, self.origin);

	self playsound("repel_water");
	players = getentarray("player","classname");
		if(players[i].pers["team"] == self.pers["team"] || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || distancesquared(players[i].origin, self.origin) > dist * dist)
			oldhealth = players[i].health;
			oldmaxhealth = players[i].maxhealth;
			angles = vectortoangles(self.origin - players[i].origin);
			dir = players[i].origin + maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale(anglestoforward(angles), 1);
			dmg = dist * 3.5;
				players[i].health += dmg;
				players[i] doDamageMod(dmg, dir, "MOD_WATER");
			if(players[i].health != oldhealth)
				players[i].health = oldhealth;
			if(players[i].maxhealth != oldmaxhealth)
				players[i].maxhealth = oldmaxhealth;
			if(dist <= 500)
				time = 2.0;
			else if(dist > 500)
				time = 4.0;
			strShocktype = "default_mp";
			//strShocktype = "melee";
			players[i] viewkick(96, players[i].origin); //Amount should be in the range 0-127, and is normalized "damage".  No damage is done.
			players[i] shellshock(strShocktype, time); 
	if(dist <= 500)
		scale = 0.2;
		duration = 2;
		radius = 500;
	else if(dist > 500)
		scale = 0.4;
		duration = 4;
		radius = 800;
	Earthquake( scale, duration, self.origin, radius);

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