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leegao - Python, pasted on Mar 19:
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import re
def NewLineBlocks(src):
    block_keywords_start = [
        re.compile(r"if (.|[()\[\]])+ then"),
        re.compile(r".+ do"),
    block_keywords_intermediate = [
        re.compile(r"elseif .+ then"),
    block_keywords_end = [
        re.compile(r"until .+"),
    for token in block_keywords_start+block_keywords_intermediate:
#        match = token.search(src)
#        if not match: continue
#        target = src[match.end():]
#        ws = whitespace.search(target)
#        if not "\n" in (ws.group() if ws else "\n"):
#            src = NewLineBlocks(src[:match.end()]+"\n"+target.lstrip())
        src = token.sub(lambda g: g.group()+"\n", src)
    for token in block_keywords_end:
        src = token.sub(continuous(src), src)
    return src
def continuous(src):
    def temp_(g):
        ws = re.compile("((.|[ \t])+)?(?=end|until)")
        mt =  ws.match(src[g.end():])
        return "\n"+g.group().strip()+("\n" if not ("end" not in mt.group() if mt else None) else " ")
    return temp_
def push_cache(obj):
    key = "$$K"+str(len(REPLACEMENT_CACHE.keys()))+"$$"
    REPLACEMENT_CACHE[key] = obj
    return key
def get_cache(key):
    return REPLACEMENT_CACHE[key]
def ReplaceCommentsAndStrings(src):
    comment_multi = re.compile(r"\-\-\[\[(.|\s)*?\]\]", re.MULTILINE) # --[[ ]]
    comment_single = re.compile(r"\-\-.*") # --
    string_sq = re.compile(r"\'.*?\'") # ''
    string_dq = re.compile(r'\".*?\"') # ""
    string_multi = re.compile(r"\[\[(.|\s)*?\]\]", re.MULTILINE) # [[ ]]
    repl = [comment_multi,comment_single,string_sq,string_dq,string_multi]
    for pat in repl:
        src = pat.sub(lambda g: push_cache(g.group()), src)
    return src
def BreakSemi(src):
    semi = re.compile(r"\;+")
    src = semi.sub("\n", src.replace("\n",";"))
    return src
def SrcFormat(src):
    block_keywords_start = [
        re.compile(r"if .+ then"),
        re.compile(r".+ do"),
    block_keywords_intermediate = [
        re.compile(r"elseif .+ then"),
    block_keywords_end = [
        re.compile(r"until .+"),
    level = 0
    lines = src.split("\n")
    lines__ = []
    for line in lines:
        processed = False
        for st in block_keywords_start:
            if st.match(line):
                processed = True
                lines__+= [level*"\t"+line]
                if level < 0: level = 0
        for inter in block_keywords_intermediate:
            if inter.match(line):
                processed = True
                lines__+= [ (level-1)*"\t"+line ]
                if level < 0: level = 0
        for end in block_keywords_end:
            if end.match(line):
                processed = True
                level -= 1
                lines__+= [ (level)*"\t" + line]
                if level < 0: level = 0
        if not processed:
            lines__+= [ level*"\t" + line]
    src = "\n".join(lines__)
    return src
def PrettyLua(src):
    #Step 1: Replace comments and strings
    src = ReplaceCommentsAndStrings(src)
    #Step 2: Break at ;'s
    src = BreakSemi(src)
    #Step 3: Blocks are on same lines
    src = NewLineBlocks(src.strip())
    src = "\n".join([st.strip() for st in src.split("\n")])
    src =re.compile(r"\n\s*?\n").sub("\n",src)
    #Step 4: Begin Src formatting
    src = SrcFormat(src)
    #Step 5: Reverse Literal Replacements
    repl = re.compile(r"\$\$K.+?\$\$")
    while repl.search(src):
        src = repl.sub(lambda g: REPLACEMENT_CACHE[g.group()], src)
    return src.strip()

def tidy(*filenames):
    for filename in filenames:
        print "-- @@"+filename+"@@ --"
        _f = open(filename, "r")
        data = _f.read()
        print PrettyLua(data), "\n\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "Usage: tidy.py <filename.lua> [<filename2.lua> ...]", "\n"
    print PrettyLua("""
function gg.relevel() gg.pmin = gg.maxlvl;gg.pmax = gg.minlvl;local n = 0   ;
local x = 0    ;
for k, v in pairs(gg.players) do;local lvl = v.level              ;
if lvl < gg.pmin and lvl > gg.minlvl then gg.pmin = lvl end    ;
if lvl > gg.pmax and lvl <= gg.maxlvl then gg.pmax = lvl end;if lvl >= gg.minlvl then     ;
n = n+1       ;x = x+lvl       ;end;
end ;gg.pavg = math.floor(x/n);

Usage: tidy.py <filename.lua> [<filename2.lua> ...] 

function gg.relevel()
	gg.pmin = gg.maxlvl
	gg.pmax = gg.minlvl
	local n = 0
	local x = 0
	for k, v in pairs(gg.players) do
		local lvl = v.level
		if lvl < gg.pmin and lvl > gg.minlvl then
			gg.pmin = lvl
		if lvl > gg.pmax and lvl <= gg.maxlvl then
			gg.pmax = lvl
		if lvl >= gg.minlvl then
			n = n+1
			x = x+lvl
	gg.pavg = math.floor(x/n)

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