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Plain Text, pasted on Feb 4:
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Copying page 1...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] pagew = 583.7, pagel = 763.7
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 612, bboxl = 792
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] PageLeft = 14.2, PageRight = 597.8
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] PageTop = 777.8, PageBottom = 14.2
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] PageWidth = 612.0, PageLength = 792.0
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] opvpOpenPrinter(463)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] CStubOpenPrinter(397)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] opvpOpenPrinter(463)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] CStubOpenPrinter(397)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Read 40 bytes of print data...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Wrote 40 bytes of print data...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Error reading back-channel data: Connection reset by peer
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Wrote 1 pages...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Read 300 bytes of print data...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Set job-printer-state-message to "Unable to write print data: Broken pipe", current level=ERROR
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Print file sent, waiting for printer to finish...
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.1 = -2
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.2 = -2
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.3 = -2
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.4 = -2
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] ATTR: marker-levels=-1,-1,-1,-1
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Backend returned status 1 (failed)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] Printer stopped due to backend errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] End of messages
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] printer-state=5(stopped)
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] printer-state-message="Print file sent, waiting for printer to finish..."
D [04/Feb/2012:16:55:12 +0200] [Job 125] printer-state-reasons=paused

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