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mccoyn - Python, pasted on Feb 14:
# Creates a C code lookup table for doing ADC to temperature conversion
# on a microcontroller
# based on: http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2007/10/measuring-temperature-easy-way.html
"""Thermistor Value Lookup Table Generator

Generates lookup to temperature values for use in a microcontroller in C format based on: 

The main use is for Arduino programs that read data from the circuit board described here:

Usage: python createTemperatureLookup.py [options]

  -h, --help			show this help
  --r0=... 			thermistor rating where # is the ohm rating of the thermistor at t0 (eg: 10K = 10000)
  --t0=... 			thermistor temp rating where # is the temperature in Celsuis to get r0 (from your datasheet)
  --beta=...			thermistor beta rating. see http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/MeasuringThermistorBeta
  --r1=...			R1 rating where # is the ohm rating of R1 (eg: 10K = 10000)
  --r2=... 			R2 rating where # is the ohm rating of R2 (eg: 10K = 10000)
  --num-temps=... 	the number of temperature points to calculate (default: 20)
  --max-adc=... 	the max ADC reading to use.  if you use R1, it limits the top value for the thermistor circuit, and thus the possible range of ADC values

from math import *
import sys
import getopt

class Thermistor:
	"Class to do the thermistor maths"
	def __init__(self, r0, t0, beta, r1, r2):
		self.r0 = r0                        # stated resistance, e.g. 10K
		self.t0 = t0 + 273.15               # temperature at stated resistance, e.g. 25C
		self.beta = beta                    # stated beta, e.g. 3500
		self.vadc = 5.0                     # ADC reference
		self.vcc = 5.0                      # supply voltage to potential divider
		self.k = r0 * exp(-beta / self.t0)   # constant part of calculation

		if r1 > 0:
			self.vs = r1 * self.vcc / (r1 + r2) # effective bias voltage
			self.rs = r1 * r2 / (r1 + r2)       # effective bias impedance
			self.vs = self.vcc					 # effective bias voltage
			self.rs = r2                         # effective bias impedance

	def max_adc(self):
		"Find the maximum value of adc with a resistance greater than 0"
		return 1024 * self.vs / self.vadc - 1

	def voltage(self,adc):
		"Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius"
		return adc * self.vadc / 1024          # convert the 10 bit ADC value to a voltage

	def resistance(self,adc):
		"Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius"
		v = self.voltage(adc)
		r = self.rs * v / (self.vs - v)
		return r     # resistance of thermistor

	def temp(self,adc):
		"Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius"
		return (self.beta / log(self.resistance(adc) / self.k)) - 273.15        # temperature

	def setting(self, t):
		"Convert a temperature into a ADC value"
		r = self.r0 * exp(self.beta * (1 / (t + 273.15) - 1 / self.t0)) # resistance of the thermistor
		v = self.vs * r / (self.rs + r)     # the voltage at the potential divider
		return round(v / self.vadc * 1024)  # the ADC reading

def main(argv):

	r0 = 12120;
	t0 = 17.8;
	beta = 3796.577472;
	r1 = 0;
	r2 = 1465;
	num_temps = int(20);
	max_adc = int(1022);
		opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["help", "r0=", "t0=", "beta=", "r1=", "r2=", "max-adc="])
	except getopt.GetoptError:
	for opt, arg in opts:
		if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
		elif opt == "--r0":
			r0 = int(arg)
		elif opt == "--t0":
			t0 = int(arg)
		elif opt == "--beta":
		 	beta = int(arg)
		elif opt == "--r1":
			r1 = int(arg)
		elif opt == "--r2":
			r2 = int(arg)
		elif opt == "--max-adc":
			max_adc = int(arg)
	t = Thermistor(r0, t0, beta, r1, r2)

	if t.max_adc() < max_adc:
		max_adc = int(t.max_adc())

	increment = (max_adc - 2)/float(num_temps-1)

	adcs = [int(x * increment + 2) for x in range (0, num_temps)]
	first = 1

	print "// Thermistor lookup table for RepRap Temperature Sensor Boards (http://make.rrrf.org/ts)"
	print "// Made with createTemperatureLookup.py (http://svn.reprap.org/trunk/reprap/firmware/Arduino/utilities/createTemperatureLookup.py)"
	print "// ./createTemperatureLookup.py --r0=%s --t0=%s --r1=%s --r2=%s --beta=%s --max-adc=%s" % (r0, t0, r1, r2, beta, max_adc)
	print "// r0: %s" % (r0)
	print "// t0: %s" % (t0)
	print "// r1: %s" % (r1)
	print "// r2: %s" % (r2)
	print "// beta: %s" % (beta)
	print "// max adc: %s" % (max_adc)
	print "#define NUMTEMPS %s" % (len(adcs))
	print "short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = {"

	counter = 0
	for adc in adcs:
		counter = counter +1
		if counter == len(adcs):
			comma = " "
			comma = ","
		resistance = t.resistance(adc)
		voltage = t.voltage(adc)
		heat = 1000 * voltage * voltage / resistance
		t0 = t.temp(adc-1)
		t1 = t.temp(adc)
		t2 = t.temp(adc+1)
		dt = (t0 - t2) / 2
		ddt = (t0 - t1) - (t1 - t2)
		print "   {%4d, %4d}%s // %.2f V    %.2f mW    %.3f C/step    %.5f C/(step^2)" % (adc, int(t1), comma, voltage, heat, dt, ddt)
	print "};"
def usage():
    print __doc__

if __name__ == "__main__":

// Thermistor lookup table for RepRap Temperature Sensor Boards (http://make.rrrf.org/ts)
// Made with createTemperatureLookup.py (http://svn.reprap.org/trunk/reprap/firmware/Arduino/utilities/createTemperatureLookup.py)
// ./createTemperatureLookup.py --r0=12120 --t0=17.8 --r1=0 --r2=1465 --beta=3796.577472 --max-adc=1022
// r0: 12120
// t0: 17.8
// r1: 0
// r2: 1465
// beta: 3796.577472
// max adc: 1022
#define NUMTEMPS 20
short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = {
   {   2,  534}, // 0.01 V    0.03 mW    102.154 C/step    75.69317 C/(step^2)
   {  55,  197}, // 0.27 V    0.87 mW    1.121 C/step    0.02457 C/(step^2)
   { 109,  157}, // 0.53 V    1.62 mW    0.502 C/step    0.00523 C/(step^2)
   { 163,  136}, // 0.80 V    2.28 mW    0.322 C/step    0.00211 C/(step^2)
   { 216,  121}, // 1.05 V    2.84 mW    0.241 C/step    0.00111 C/(step^2)
   { 270,  109}, // 1.32 V    3.31 mW    0.194 C/step    0.00066 C/(step^2)
   { 324,  100}, // 1.58 V    3.69 mW    0.166 C/step    0.00042 C/(step^2)
   { 377,   92}, // 1.84 V    3.97 mW    0.147 C/step    0.00028 C/(step^2)
   { 431,   84}, // 2.10 V    4.16 mW    0.135 C/step    0.00019 C/(step^2)
   { 485,   77}, // 2.37 V    4.25 mW    0.127 C/step    0.00012 C/(step^2)
   { 538,   70}, // 2.63 V    4.26 mW    0.122 C/step    0.00006 C/(step^2)
   { 592,   64}, // 2.89 V    4.16 mW    0.120 C/step    0.00001 C/(step^2)
   { 646,   57}, // 3.15 V    3.97 mW    0.121 C/step    -0.00004 C/(step^2)
   { 699,   51}, // 3.41 V    3.70 mW    0.125 C/step    -0.00011 C/(step^2)
   { 753,   44}, // 3.68 V    3.32 mW    0.133 C/step    -0.00020 C/(step^2)
   { 807,   36}, // 3.94 V    2.85 mW    0.148 C/step    -0.00036 C/(step^2)
   { 860,   28}, // 4.20 V    2.30 mW    0.174 C/step    -0.00066 C/(step^2)
   { 914,   17}, // 4.46 V    1.64 mW    0.227 C/step    -0.00146 C/(step^2)
   { 968,    2}, // 4.73 V    0.88 mW    0.377 C/step    -0.00532 C/(step^2)
   {1022,  -52}  // 4.99 V    0.03 mW    6.975 C/step    -3.22975 C/(step^2)

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