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C, pasted on Jun 10:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char opstack [] = {'+','-','*','^'}; // operators, with precedence sorted from lowest to highest

typedef struct node
    char * fx; // function
    struct node * gx; // left-hand side
    char * op; // operator
    struct node * hx; // right-hand side
} node;

node * buildTree ( char * );

char * charToString ( char c )
    char * str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2);
    str[0] = c;
    str[1] = '\0';
    return str;

char * grabNumber ( char * begin )
    // Interpret *begin as the start of a double and add the characters to a
    // string retstr
    char * begincpy = begin;
    int foundDot = 0;
    while ((*begin >= '0' && *begin  <= '9') || *begin == '.')
        if (*begin == '.')
            if (foundDot == 0) foundDot = 1;
            else break;
    long n = begin - begincpy; // # of characters parsed
    char * retstr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (n + 1)); // string to be returned
    retstr[n] = '\0'; while (--n >= 0) retstr[n] = *--begin;
    return retstr;

void toClosingParensOrEnd ( char * * pbegin )
    // Given a character **pbegin='(' in a null-terminated character array,
    // increment *pbegin until it is the closing parenthesis or the null character
    int netRFP = 1; // net # of right-facing parantheses
        if (**pbegin == ')') --netRFP;
        else if (**pbegin == '(') ++netRFP;
    } while (*pbegin && netRFP != 0); // while current character is not the closing paranthesis or off the end of the string

node * getNextExpression ( char * * begptr )
    // begptr: pointer to a pointer to the character at the beginning of the expression
    // returns the expression and increments *begptr to one after the expression
    // returns null if the expression is invalid
    node * result;
    if (**begptr == 'x') // next expression is the variable 'x'
        result = malloc(sizeof(node));
        result->fx = "x"; result->gx = NULL; result->op = NULL; result->hx = NULL;
    else if ((**begptr >= '0' && **begptr  <= '9') || **begptr== '.') // next expression is a number
        result = malloc(sizeof(node));
        result->fx = grabNumber(*begptr); result->gx = NULL; result->op = NULL; result->hx = NULL;
        *begptr += strlen(result->fx);
    else if (**begptr == '(') // next expression is enclosed in parantheses
        char * cpy = *begptr;
        if (**begptr) // if found closing paranthesis
            long n = *begptr - cpy; // distance from opening to closing paranthesis
            char * betweenParens = malloc(sizeof(char) * n); // string between parantheses
            betweenParens[--n] = '\0'; for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) betweenParens[k] = *++cpy;
            printf("Between parantheses: %s\n", betweenParens); // TEST
            result = buildTree(betweenParens);
            if (!result) printf("buildTree(betweenParents) returned NULL\n");
            ++*begptr; // increment to one after the closing paranthesis
        else // didn't find closing paranthesis
            result = NULL;;
    else // character expected to be the beginning of an expression was not
        result = NULL;
    return result;

void insertInTree ( node * * curRootPtr, char * newOp, node * newNode )
    //    crpp: Pointer to a pointer to the node element that is the current root
    //   newOp: New operator found
    // newNode: New node corresponding to the expression following the operator
    node * rightTraveler = *curRootPtr;
    while (1)
        if (rightTraveler->op)
            long thisOpIdx = strchr(opstack, *rightTraveler->op) - opstack;
            long newOpIdx = strchr(opstack, *newOp) - opstack;
            if (thisOpIdx > newOpIdx) break; // if new operator has a lower precendence than the
                                             // operator on the current node,
            rightTraveler = rightTraveler->hx;
        else // reached a node that has no children
    node * temp = rightTraveler;
    rightTraveler = malloc(sizeof(node));
    rightTraveler->gx = temp; rightTraveler->op = newOp; rightTraveler->hx = newNode;

node * buildTree ( char * fstr )
    node * rootptr = NULL;
    char * curptr = fstr;
    node * thisexpr = getNextExpression(&curptr);
    if (thisexpr) printf("expression: %s\n", thisexpr? thisexpr->fx : "[Parent expression, no fx]"); // TEST
    if (!thisexpr)
        printf("Could not parse beginning expression of equation beginning with character %c.\n", *fstr);
        return NULL;
    rootptr = thisexpr;
    while (*curptr)
        char thisop = *curptr;
        char * opidx = strchr(opstack, thisop);
        if (!opidx) // current character was not an operator
            printf("Found %c where an operator was expected.\n", thisop);
            return NULL;
        printf("operator: %c\n", thisop); // TEST
        ++curptr; // increment to character following the operator
        thisexpr = getNextExpression(&curptr);
        if (!thisexpr) // invalid expression following operator
            printf("Could not parse expression. Stopped at index %d, character %c.\n", (int)(curptr-fstr), *curptr);
            return NULL;
        if (thisexpr) printf("expression: %s\n", thisexpr->fx); // TEST
        insertInTree(&rootptr, &thisop, thisexpr);
    // ...
    return rootptr;

char * deriveFromTree ( node * rt )
    //char * dfdx = malloc(100*sizeof(char));
    char * dfdx;
    if (rt->op) // if rt is of the form rt = gx op hx
        char * dgdx = deriveFromTree(rt->gx); // g'(x)
        char * dhdx = deriveFromTree(rt->hx); // h'(x)
        char thisop = *rt->op;
        if (thisop == '+' || thisop == '-')
            //   dfdx = dgdx + thisop + dhdx
            long n = strlen(dgdx) + strlen(dhdx) + 2;
            dfdx = malloc(sizeof(char) * n); dfdx[n-1]='\0';
            dfdx = strcat(dfdx, dgdx);
            dfdx = strcat(dfdx, charToString(thisop));
            dfdx = strcat(dfdx, dhdx);
        else if (thisop == '*')
            //   PRODUCT RULE:
            //   dfdx = gx * dhdx + hx * dgdx
        else if (thisop == '/')
            // ...
        else if (thisop == '^')
            // ...
    else // rt is a base expression -- x or a constant
        dfdx = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2);
        dfdx[0] = strcmp(rt->fx, 'x') ? '1': '0';
        dfdx[1] = '\0';
    return dfdx;

int main ( int argc, const char * argv [] ) {
    char function [] = "x+1";
    node * rootptr = buildTree(function);
    puts(rootptr ? deriveFromTree(rootptr) : "Invalid function. ");
    return 0;

In function 'getNextExpression':
Line 94: error: 'for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode
In function 'deriveFromTree':
Line 215: warning: passing argument 1 of 'strlen' makes pointer from integer without a cast
Line 215: warning: passing argument 1 of 'strlen' makes pointer from integer without a cast
Line 215: warning: passing argument 2 of 'strcmp' makes pointer from integer without a cast

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